




Unit 4 I Have a Pen Pal

Part A Let's Talk

Oliver: What are Peter's hobbies?

Zhang Peng: He likes reading stories. He lives on a farm, so sometimes he reads to the cows!

Oliver: That's interesting.

Zhang Peng: He likes doing kung fu and swimming.

Oliver: Really? Me too!

Zhang Peng: He also likes singing.

Oliver: Oh, you like singing, too.

Zhang Peng: Yes. I'm going to teach him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”!

Oliver: Good idea!


Part A Let's Learn

Peter: Hey, Zhang Peng, what are your hobbies?

Zhang Peng: I like reading stories. I also like singing and doing kung fu.

dancing      singing      reading stories       playing football      doing kung fu


Part B Let's Talk

 John: Hey, Binbin. What are you doing?

Wu Binbin: I'm writing an email to my new pen pal in Australia.

John: Does he live in Sydney?

Wu Binbin: No, he doesn't. He lives in Canberra. His name is John, too.

John: Really? Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?

Wu Binbin: Yes, he does.

John: Amazing! I like those too! Can I also be his pen pal?

Wu Binbin: Sure. Why not?

John: Cool!


Part B Let's Learn

John: Come and see my new pen pal. His name is John, too!

Brother: Really? Does he live in China, too?

John: No, he doesn't. He lives in Australia, but he studies Chinese.

cooks Chinese food       studies Chinese        does word puzzles      goes hiking


Part B Read and Write


Shall we dance?

There is a dancing class on Sunday at 1 p.m. I like dancing, and I need a partner.

Call Amy: 134********

Goal! Goal! Goal!

What do you do on Sundays?

Join our football club! See you on the playground!


Let's read together!

What is your hobby? Do you like reading? I have great books. We can share!

Call Mike: 136********

Science Club, YOUR club!

Do you want to learn about robots? Come to the science room! Meet Robin. He teaches students to make robots.



Part C Story Time

Zac lives in a forest. He likes singing and dancing very much.

Every day the squirrels have to give the Monkey King gifts. Then the Monkey King lets them get food from his forest.

Zac sometimes sings and dances in front of the king. The Monkey King likes reading books, so he doesn't like Zac's music.

One day, Zac sang for the king. The king was very angry and shouted,“Go away!” Then he threw Zac out of the tree.

Zac got up and looked at his tail. It was really bushy! Zac liked his new tail, and so did all the other squirrels. So from that day on all squirrels' tails were bushy.

Zip: What a great story! Is it true?