

Vacation  Postcards
I can't believe my trip is over. I arrived in Egypt just two weeks ago. I was with a group from the university. We went to the desert to dig in some old ruins. I didn't find anything, but I learned a lot. I'm tired, but I loved every minute of my trip.
Take care, Margaret
Hi, Luis!
My Hawaiian vacation just ended, and I am very relaxed! I spent my whole vacation at a spa in Koloa, Kauai. Every day for a week I exercised, did yoga, meditated, and ate vegetarian food. I also went swimming and snorkeling. I feel fantastic!
Love, Sue
Dear Michael,
Alaska is terrific! I was just on a trip in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. There were six people on the trip. We hiked for ten days. Then we took rafts to the Arctic Ocean. I saw a lot of wildlife. Now I'm going to Anchorage. See you in 3 weeks!