
(中学篇)2023年第10期:例谈基于文本深度解读的读后续写内容创造 (河南:吴亚东、张卫平)一文涉及的教学内容



It was my first year teaching in a special needs class, and I wasnt sure what to expect at our yearly Special Olympics sports meeting. My students had a lot of challenges, from mild learning disabilities to cerebral palsy 大脑性麻痹.

Mark was one of the latter. Sitting in a wheelchair, he had to fight his spasms 抽筋 just to control his movements. However, he always had a positive attitude and greeted everyone with a huge smile.

His classmates loved him and always took the time to make sure he was included in group activities, especially Mike, Andy and Lucas, three boys who were good at sports. Obviously, Mark wanted to be like them, free from the limitation of his body and watching them moving on the playing field seemed to fill him with admiration.

When the day came, Mike, Andy and Lucas performed well in their sports events, and gave the normally calm audience something to cheer about. Mark sat in his wheelchair on the sidelines, cheering them on.

The final event of the day was the 400-meter race. Everyone was invited to either walk or run, according to their ability, around the entire length of the track.

The starting gun fired and the runners took off, their feet pounding the track. The crowd roared in anticipation as the athletes raced around the track. Mike, Andy and Lucas all wanted to prove who the best athlete was.

The lead runner was Mike, his long strides eating up the track. He was determined to win, his eyes focused on the finish line. He pushed himself harder, his heart pounding in his chest.

The other runners were close behind him. Gradually, Andy and Lucas caught up with Mike and they were far ahead of the others. The three runners were neck and neck as they crossed the finish line. The crowd erupted in cheers as Mike won by a fraction of a second. He had won the 400-meter race!


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When Mike, Andy and Lucas reached the finish line, they paused and turned to look behind them.


The progress was slow, but in the end the three star runners and Mark crossed the finish line together.
