1. 耶稣(Jesus)是:______
A. 圣经的作者 B. 基督教的创始者 C. GOD
2. 下列选项不是英联邦的国家有______
A. Canada B. Australia C. Ireland
3. 澳大利亚的首都是______
4. 在西方,与人谈话时,你认为应该尽量避免争论。( )
5. 在西方,客人告别时,你认为应将其送至门外(如学校或公司门口)。( )
6. 在西方,打电话时,你认为应先询问对方的姓名。( )
7. 设计一个场景,一个美国人请你去看电影,但影院放映的并是你喜欢的电影,影片结束后美国人问你是否喜欢,你会______
A. 很直接地表示不喜欢此部影片 B. 说你很喜欢看 C. 较为委婉地表示不喜欢
8. 如果有一个英国人请你吃饭,而你的饭量较大,当其问你是否还要加饭时,你会_______
A. 不再加饭 B. 再加一点,但如果还不够就算了 C. 继续加饭,直到吃饱为止
9. 一名中国留学生在他的一位英国朋友家里做客,他口渴了,并向主人直接要饮料喝,你认为______
A. 是礼貌的 B. 是很不礼貌的 C. 不知道礼貌与否
10. 在课堂上回答英国国家老师的提问时,你将_______
A. 坐着回答 B. 立即站起来 C. 踌躇一下,再站起来
11. 你在当面接受英国朋友礼物后,你会_______
A. 先表示感谢,而后把礼物放在一边
B. 表示感谢,同时立刻打开你收到的礼物
C. 不知道应当如何处理
12. 在你与英语人士交谈时,跷着二郎腿是否礼貌,_______
A. Yes B. No C. I don’t know
13. 如你招呼英语人士走近或进来时,您会选用哪种手势______
A. 手掌向下,五指向内弯曲不停地摆动
B. 手掌向上,其余四指轻握,食指向内弯曲并不停地摆动
C. 食指向内不停地前后摆动
14. 当美国人耸肩时,他向你表达的意思是______
A. 我考虑一下再说 B. 对不起,我也爱莫能助 C. 我身体不舒服
15. duck ______
A. a stupid person B. a slow person C. a cute person
16. owl ______
A. a clever guy B. the sign of bad luck C. the sign of good luck
17. to astonish the Browns ______
A. to be unsuccessful B. to be proud C. to scare honest or innocent people
18. Since he was made manager, the company has been running in the black. ______
A. to lose a lot of money B. to cheat people C. to earn a lot of money
19. When you go to school, you give greetings to your teacher, “_____”.
A. Good morning, my teacher
B. Good morning, Mr. Smith
C. Hi, Mr. Smith. Where are you going to do?
20. Your best friend Jack invites you to a party,but you must do something important at that time. You will say ______
A. What a pity. And I have already got another appointment.
B. I am terribly sorry. And I am afraid I may not take part in it because I have got something else to do and I can hardly postpone it./I have got another appointment.
C. Terrible! I can’t accept your invitation, since I’ve taken another appointment.
21. You with your little daughter are taking a walk after supper, and then your old friend Lennie Steffens (人名) comes. You make your daughter to address (称呼) Lennie Steffens. What will your daughter say?
A. How do you do, Aunt Steffens.
B. Hi, Lennie.
C. Lennie Steffens.
22. You invite Lily to dinner at your home. When she sees that there is enough delicious food on the table, you hope her to say.
A. Let us have meal together.
B. It is unnecessary for you to do like this, we are good friends.
C. Thanks a lot, you cannot share me a better dish than this.