

【摘  要】本文针对记叙文以叙述、描写为主要表达方式的写作特点,提出了用“展示而非讲述”策略进行细节描写,并结合2017年6月浙江省高考英语读后续写真题,阐述了如何运用该策略解决学生在读后续写中内容单调、空洞、缺乏真情实感的问题。
读后续写中到底该怎样进行细节描写呢?我们可以借鉴国外英语教学中经常使用的“展示而非讲述”(Show, don't tell.)策略。根据《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第七版),“讲述”指给出信息(give information);“展示”指给出证明或证据来展现(demonstrate something, give evidence or proof)。维基百科中提到,“展示而非讲述”是一种可适用于各种文本的写作技巧。读者通过作者对人物的动作、语言、想法、感官与感觉的描写,而不是作者的说明或总结,来体验故事(Wikipedia,2018)。“讲述”是提供信息,经常是对事件宽泛的、抽象的总结。而“展示”通过对人物动作、语言、想法、感觉以及自然风景、场面气氛等细小环节或情节的描写,使场景戏剧化。“展示而非讲述”意味着一个说故事的人不解释(interpret),而是挑选启发性的细节(select revealing details),塑造鲜明的人物角色,让情节扣人心弦(陆佳,2014)。
1. 具体而非抽象(Concrete rather than abstract)
(1)聚焦不同感官(Focus on different senses)
[Tell] I love listening to music.
[Show] I love listening to deafening rock and roll music (听觉) flowing out of the CD player as dazzling lights are turned on and off constantly (视觉). My body can't help dancing against the pole (触觉) to the music as if I were flying above the clouds (感觉).
[Tell] Nature was calm and peaceful.
[Show] It was the cool, gray (视觉) dawn, and there was a delicious (味觉) sense of rest and peace in the deep, spreading calm and silence of the woods. Not a leaf moved (视觉); not a sound disturbed great Nature's deep thought (听觉).
在例1中的讲述部分,作者介绍了爱好,这是个抽象的概念;在展示部分,作者加入了听音乐过程中的各种感官描写,使读者在头脑中能够形成具体的意象。例2中的讲述部分介绍了calm and peaceful两个抽象概念;而展示部分描写男孩在森林中醒来之后看到、听到的景象及感受到的大自然的安宁与寂静。通过delicious一词,作者运用了通感的写作手法,用形象的语言使视觉与味觉交错,使意象更为活泼、新奇。而Nature's deep thought这样的表达则运用了拟人修辞手法:自然拥有了人的情感、思维。拟人使描写生动形象,使抽象的概念具体化。
(2)聚焦面部、身体和声音(Focus on face, body and voice)
[Tell] She was angry.
[Show] “I'll never believe you again!” she barked at him (声音), her whole body shaking like a leaf (身体). Salty, warm tears streamed down her pale cheeks to her swollen, dry lips (面部).
[Tell] Jenny was acting a little suspiciously.
[Show] Jenny immediately slammed the drawer shut. I saw her slip something behind her back (身体). She then forced a smile (面部), and said hoarsely, “Hi. I wasn't — I didn't expect you back so soon.”(声音)
2. 精准而非笼统(Specific rather than general)
讲述经常给出笼统的结论(general conclusions)或者使用笼统的描述性形容词、副词。展示使用范围较小,指向更精准的词汇,使笼统含义具体化,使描写更加生动形象。其主要表达方法有:
(1)使用精准化动作类词汇(Use specific action verbs)
[Tell] Tom saved the little girl out of the burning house.
[Show] Without delay, Tom kicked the door open with great force, only to find the little girl lying on the floor. Immediately, he picked her up, shielded her nose from the choking smoke and rushed downstairs.
[Tell] The little boy said sorry to his mother.
[Show] The little boy hung his head and mumbled an apology to his mother. 
例5讲述部分的中心词是笼统的动词saved;而在展示部分作者把营救的一系列动作具体化,推进了情节的发展。例6中讲述部分用了said sorry to,不带任何感情色彩;而展示部分使用了具体化的表示“说”的动词mumbled,从而使一个不愿意道歉又不得不道歉的小男孩的形象栩栩如生地浮现在读者脑海中。
(2)提供具体、细节的信息(Give specific detailed information)
I love sports.
I love outdoor sports.
I love outdoor sports such as rafting and bungee jumping.
I love outdoor sports such as rafting and bungee jumping because I love the feeling of freedom and excitement.
[Tell] My father is ugly but I love him.
[Show] The middle-aged man already has double chins and a receding hairline, but I love him, because he is my dad.
例7中的四个句子,后面三个更具体,细节信息不断充实。最后一句中作者提到了喜欢的运动项目rafting和 bungee jumping以及喜欢这些项目的原因,使读者可以从中了解作者的个性特征:崇尚自由、喜欢冒险、外向开朗等,因而此描写最丰富生动。例8展示部分对爸爸的外貌描写缩小到下巴与发际线,具体化ugly这一笼统的描述性形容词,并添加年龄(middle-aged)信息来解释爸爸ugly的原因。这些具体化的描写与下一句形成鲜明的对比,对主题起了反衬的作用:爸爸虽然丑,但我爱他。
现以2017年6月浙江高考读后续写真题为例,阐述如何在具体的语言描写中运用“展示而非讲述”策略。该文讲述中学教师Mac与朋友一起骑车旅行,朋友的自行车坏了,让他先行一步。Mac骑行时被狼追赶,他拼命骑车并使用防狼喷雾,但狼仍紧追不放。此时Paul与Becky驾车经过看到这一幕……续写部分第一段给出的首句是: The car abruptly stopped in front of him. 第二段给出的首句是:A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived.
以下是一位学生续写的第一段:The car abruptly stopped in front of him. Becky asked Mac to get into the car. But the wolf caught up with Mac and tried to stop Mac from getting into the car. Mac was frightened. Luckily, he managed to get in and shut the door. He felt relieved when he sat onto the seat. However, the wolf didn't give up. Paul sounded the horn. Hearing the large noise, the wolf ran away immediately.
1. 聚焦不同感官
(1)学生习作:Mac was frightened.
改进后的作文如下:① On seeing the huge, ferocious wolf jumping at him, Mac was rooted to the ground, unable to move an inch (视觉). ② When hearing the wolf gasping heavily behind him, Mac was seized by panic and let out a cry of terror (听觉). ③ The wolf got nearer and nearer. Mac was overwhelmed with horror. With his palms sweating, he could hardly hold the handles (触觉). ④ As the wolf almost pressed its nose against his, Mac's throat tightened and his knees felt weak (触觉).
(2)学生习作:He felt relieved when he sat onto the seat.
改进后的作文: Mac threw himself onto the seat, still panting anxiously. He turned to Becky, who exclaimed, “Thank goodness. You are safe!”(听觉) Mac placed his hands on his chest and said breathlessly, “It was a nightmare and I thought I was going to die!” Becky patted Mac on the shoulder understandingly (视觉、触觉).
教师补充:还可以借助修辞在读者头脑中创造直观、具体的意象,如: Mac raced to the door as fast as lightning (比喻). The fierce wolf made Mac's hair stand on end (拟人). It seemed as if the world were at an end (夸张).
2. 聚焦面部、身体和声音
Sweat, mixed with tears, ran down his cheeks as he slid into the car.
A big smile of relief spread across his face, like a ray of sunshine.
Mac looked at Paul and Becky, tears of gratitude welling up in his eyes.
Mac waved at Paul wildly. Seeing the door open, he threw his bicycle aside and dashed into the car.
He collapsed on the seat, feeling an enormous weight shifted from his shoulders.
Holding Paul's hands, Mac bowed to him with tears in his eyes.
“Help!”Mac yelled out loudly in a shaky voice.
He sighed in relief, and then tried to speak, but words failed him.
His voice was still trembling, “Thank you so much.”
(1) With a frightened look on his face, he yelled at the driver, “Help!”
(2) His eyes sparkled with excitement and the next minute, he dashed for the car.
(3) Tears of gratitude streamed down his face as Mac held Paul's hands.
(4) To his surprise/Surprisingly, the wolf kept growling outside the car.
(5) Disappointed and upset, the wolf ran away.
3. 使用精准化动作类词汇
本续写原文是遇险故事,情节主要靠动作推进,使用的动词质朴、简洁、短促、有力,如:Mac was pedaling hard now. He waved and yelled at passing cars. 续写部分也要使用动感强、层次感强的动词。学生习作中有三处动词的运用内容空洞,不够具体。学生可以用展示的方法使其具体化,让动作描写一气呵成,更加符合当时危险紧急的情况。
(1)学生习作:But the wolf caught up with Mac and tried to stop Mac from getting into the car.
改进后的作文:The wolf soon caught up and charged at Mac abruptly. Mac stepped back, and narrowly avoided being hit. The wolf then tried to grab Mac's sleeves with its sharp teeth, but in vain because Mac had dived into the car.
(2)学生习作:Luckily, he managed to get in and shut the door.
改进后的作文:Without any hesitation, Mac jumped off the bicycle, sprinted for the car and dived into the car immediately. He threw himself onto the seat and slammed the door behind him, only to find his eyes meeting those of the wolf outside the window.
(3)学生习作:However, the wolf didn't give up.
改进后的作文:The wolf seemed unwilling to go away. Instead, it circled around the car several times, growling all the time. It then knocked its body against the car door violently.
(1) He stamped hard on the pedals, struggling to move ahead at a high speed.
(2) He made a rush for the car, opened the door and slid into the car.
(3) Without hesitation, Mac jumped off the bicycle and dashed into the car.
(4) Mac stormed into the car and shut the car door before the wolf could squeeze in.
(5) The wolf lost its balance, staggered back and toppled over. It then struggled to its feet and ran away.
(6) The wolf kicked the car door with great force but still couldn't get it open. It then tried to climb onto the car, but in vain. Eventually, it got tired and sped off.
描写Mac动作,可以用以下词语:grab、seize、grasp、clench、pinch、 scratch、shake、wave、raise、stretch、point、tear、draw、drag等;表示“说”的具体动词有:howl、bark、growl、roar、rumble、yell、shout、cry、scream、murmur、mumble、whisper、 sigh等。这些具体化的动词具有不同的隐含意义,带有不同的感情色彩,适用于不同的场合,能增加文本的生动性与丰富性。
4. 提供具体细节信息
学生习作:Becky asked Mac to get into the car.
改进后的句子1Becky yelled to Mac at the top of her lungs, “Get in!”
改进后的句子2:“Help!” Mac yelled out loud in a trembling voice. “Get in,” Becky yelled back and opened the door to let him in. Mac jumped into the car immediately and slammed the door shut with a loud bang.
①About 1.5 meters long, the wolf was huge. It looked scary, with its eyes glowing red and a mouth full of sharp teeth.
②Mac caught a glimpse of its fierce green eyes, glowing with shiny light and its hungry look as it pressed its nose against the car window.
Becky hurriedly opened the door and stretched out her hands, shouting, “Get in!” Mac's heart beat wildly. Knowing this was his last chance, Mac threw his bicycle aside and raced over to the car door. But the wolf caught up and made a dash for Mac. Mac staggered back but soon gained his balance. Before the wolf could jump at him again, he hopped into the car swiftly. He breathed a sigh of relief as Becky congratulated him on his narrow escape. However, the wolf began to scratch the car door with its sharp claws and even crashed onto the car door with great force several times. Paul sounded the horn repeatedly. Hearing the large noise, the wolf panicked and galloped off.

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附作者信息:张春霞、胡圆圆   浙江省宁波市第二中学