

Unit 5 Signs

Story time

① Mike, Helen and Tim are at a shopping centre.

Mike: Be careful, Tim!

Helen: Can you see that sign?

Tim: What does it mean?

Helen: It means the floor is wet.

② Then, they see a juice shop.

Helen: Do you want some juice?

Mike & Tim: Yes, please.

Tim: Here's a sign. What does it mean, Mike?

Mike: It means you can't litter here.

③ There is a bookshop. Helen wants to go in.

Mike: You can't take your juice into the shop, Helen.

Tim: Can you see that sign? It means you can't eat or drink there.

Helen: I'm sorry.

④ Now they are eating some noodles in a restaurant.

Helen: Is someone smoking? I can smell it.

Tim: Please don't smoke here. Can you see that sign? It means you can't smoke here.

Man: OK. Sorry!


Cartoon time

① Bobby and Sam are on an outing in the forest. It is time for lunch. Bobby feels tired and hungry.

Sam: What are you doing, Bobby?

Bobby: I'm looking for my bananas. I brought some for lunch.

② Bobby gives Sam a banana.

Bobby: Do you want one, Sam? It's sweet.

Sam: Thanks, Bobby.

③ Bobby and Sam walk on. They find a sign on a tree.

Sam: Look, Bobby. There's a sign.

Bobby: What does it mean?

Sam: It means we can't eat bananas here.

Bobby: Why?

④ Then, they see a lot of monkeys around them. They are looking at Bobby's bananas.

Bobby: I know why we shouldn't eat bananas here!


Never Pat a Bear

A Book about Signs

Signs! Signs!

Everywhere I look, I see signs looking back at me. They tell me when things are going to happen, what to look for, where to go, and how to get there.

Do you see a sign that is just right for you?

A sign can be a warning. It tells me to keep my eyes wide open and look!

When I don't read warning signs, I sometimes get into trouble!

Some of the nicest signs are invitations. I like those signs.

A sign can be a question, too.

If you guess the right number of jelly beans you'll win a prize!

Sometimes signs answer questions. There are many answer signs at the zoo.

Other signs make me hungry. Do they make you hungry, too?

A sign can be an order. It tells me what to do and what not to do.

It's best to obey order signs, but sometimes it isn't easy.

Some signs give advice. Here is some good advice.

A sign can be a rhyme, too. Rhyming signs are fun to say over and over.

Which rhyme do you like best?

Oh, yes, and a sign can be a joke. I watch for signs that make me laugh.

It takes lots of signs to help people get from one place to another. Can you follow these signs to find your way across town?

There! You did it! Now turn the page, and you'll see that the signs have led you right to ...