

北京版小学英语五年级下册Unit 2

Lesson 5

Sara: What will happen in spring?

Baobao: The leaves and the grass will come out.

Woman: Yes. Everything will be green again.

Woman: What's the English for the different parts of a plant?

Sara: They are the roots, the stems, the leaves, the flowers, and the seeds.

Baobao: They must have different jobs.

Woman: Yes. Please follow me and listen to the next part.


Lesson 6

Woman: Roots hold the plant in the ground.

Sara: What do flowers do?

Woman: They make seeds. Little seeds grow up to be plants.

Baobao: What do stems do?

Woman: They carry food and water to the leaves.

Sara: What about the leaves?

Woman: They make food for the plant.


Lesson 7

Baobao: What do leaves need to make food?

Woman: They need sunlight, air, and water.

Sara: Nothing on the earth can live without the sun.

Baobao: You are right.

Woman: Plants make food for themselves.

Sara: They make food by their own leaves.

Baobao: So leaves are like little factories.

Sara: How wonderful!




What's the English for the different parts of an apple tree?

The roots grow under the ground. The trunk is the big body of the apple tree. The leaves of a plant are very important. Most leaves are green. Apple flowers are white or pink. They are small and beautiful. An apple is a fruit. The fruits have seeds inside them. The seeds are small and black. New plants grow from seeds.




Different Parts of an Apple Tree

Look at the different parts of an apple tree. They are the roots, the trunk, the leaves, the flowers, and the fruits. Roots hold the tree in the ground. The trunk holds the tree above the ground. Trunks also carry food and water to the leaves. The leaves make food for the plant. How about the flowers and the fruits? They make seeds. Little seeds grow up to be big apple trees.



Different Parts of a Dandelion

Each part of a plant has a job to do. The flowers look so beautiful. They make seeds. Little seeds grow up to be plants. Children like to blow them away. The stems carry water up to the leaves. The leaves make food for the plant. The roots hold the plant into the ground. They also soak up water there.



Different Parts of an Eggplant

Do you know the different parts of an eggplant? They are the roots, the stem, the leaves, the flowers, and the fruits. The flowers are not very beautiful. But they can become fruits. Fruits have seeds inside them. The stem carries food and water to the leaves. The leaves make food for the plant. How about the roots? They hold the plant in the ground.



Different Parts of a Potato

There are five big parts of a potato. They are the roots, the stems, the leaves, the flowers, and the seeds. The roots hold the plant in the ground. The leaves make food for the plant. The flowers are white. They become fruits. Which part do we eat? Are they fruits? No, they aren't. They are stems. The stems move water up.



How photosynthesis works?

Photo means light and synthesis means putting together. So photosynthesis is to use light to put things together. Plants use this way to make food.

The leaves are like little factories. With the help of energy from the sunlight, the leaves take in carbon dioxide (CO2, 二氧化碳) from the air and water (H2O) from the roots. Then they give out oxygen (O2, 氧气) into the air, and make a kind of sugar which can help the plant grow.



A plant changes when it grows. All of these changes make a plant's life cycle.

Most plants start as a seed. The seed splits open. A shoot pushes out. This is called germination (发芽). A seedling starts to grow. Roots reach down into the soil. A stem pushes up into the air. A seedling is a baby plant. When the stem gets stronger, leaves grow up from the stem. Finally, the plant is full-grown. Many plants grow flowers. They start as a bud. The bud slowly opens and becomes a flower. Flowers make new seeds. New seeds will grow and begin a new life cycle.



How to Grow a Plant

You can grow your own plant.

□ Then, fill a flowerpot with soil.

□ First, soak (浸湿) the seed in a cup of water overnight.

□ At last, put the flowerpot in a warm, sunny place.

□ And remember to add a little water whenever the soil gets dry.

Your seedling will sprout soon!

□ After that, make a hole, and push the seed in, and cover it with soil.